Monday, November 14, 2011

Random thoughts

I have couple of things on my mind today...

1. I need an new sewing project
2. My husband would be just as happy as a farmer, maybe even happier with his work.
3. Found a new yarn shop to check out.

First my sewing project. Yesterday we spent most of the day in the car on our way to Vermont for a sock sale. Two hours each direction. I know it sounds crazy but we needed to get out of the house. Cabin fever sets in on those three day weekends. I was thinking my three year old would probably enjoy coloring on road trips but he is clumsy and would be dropping stuff which would require me fishing the crayons off the floor too many times. How about a travel tray that velcros to the top of the seat and folds down into a tray with some type of sides and lots of pockets? I have plenty of fabric in my collection, I just need to figure out the logistics. This winter I am vowing to start using the fabric I have been collecting through the years. For me the stumbling block is the cutting. Cutting is so final, no changing your mind once it is cut out.

Second, I have never known anyone who enjoys yardwork more than my husband. I am starting to wonder if he would not be happier with his job if he were a farmer outside working on the land and such. Yardwork is more of a chore for me but he loves it. We have only been in our house for about a year and a half so maybe he will tire of the outside 'chores' but not as of yet. When he snowblows in the winter he likes to remove every last snowflake form the driveway, walkways, path to the oil tank etc. You get my drift, he is meticulous. He has the day off today so I hope he is enjoying some hard labor, ha ha. The yard looks great now that we have a leaf blower.

Third, the yarn shop... The last thing I need is more yarn, however, yarn shops have awesome knitters that work there that can always make suggestions or help interpret pattern notes. I am new to knitting but it is something I can do that does not require lots of equipment and i can do it anywhere, even while watching tv. I am determined to make some winter hats for my kids. I have made a few hats in the past but none of them have been worn for various sizing reasons. Since we have moved I have not been able to find a yarn shop in my area. I look forward to stopping in at the yarn shop.

Next post will be about our wood stove.

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